I had my first spiritual awakening in 2002. It happened the night after my gran's funeral, when I was visited by an overwhelming presence of unconditional love and light. I had no idea what it was at the time, and even doubted the experience afterwards, telling myself that it was just a reaction to the shock and grief that I was feeling. Little did I know... ha!
This encounter led to many changes in my life as I started to follow my heart's desires. I changed careers and re-trained as a photographer, I spent more time in nature and took up yoga and tai chi. Life became simpler and happier as I did things purely for the love of them, rather than what I thought I 'should' be doing.
This website is all about sharing my journey with you. Everyone's path is different and unique to them, but there are some common threads, themes, challenges and joys. And if I've learnt anything, it is that sharing our stories and connecting with each other really helps.
I love Jack Russell's, Tai Chi, 2nd breakfast, a bloody good laugh and I'm a bit sweary.